Monday, October 28, 2013

Project Louise Crackdown

Yesterday was day 1 of my cut. I started weight lifting in April 2013 and it's really changed my life. Diet is 90% of it and that has radically altered the way I see food. Clean eating is my new and forever lifestyle that has made the biggest difference in the way I look, feel, and influence those around me. I started this blog because in July 2013, I got into a car accident that threw me off track a bit. I've decided to get back into the consistency that I had prior to July and with 10 times the intensity.

This cut started October 28 and I'm set to end in late January, Jan. 25, 2014 to be exact (right in time for my Hawaii trip!). This means I will be eating around 400-500 calories below my BMR and doing what I call *maintenance cardio*. I know some, if not all, serious lifters don't like to incorporate cardio, but I will just so that I can jump start the weight loss.

After this 90 day cut, I will do about 3 weeks to 1 month of eating at my maintenance BMR. Then, I'll do what I truly looked forward to when I started. BULKING. That's when I'll eat 400-500 above maintenance, and, yes, I'll gain weight... all to build more muscle. Then, cut again.

I am very excited to really hit the ground running like I did back in April and nothing is stopping me!

I'm lucky to have a guy by my side who is also doing the same. It helps to have someone who's in this for the same goal! (Michael!)

I'm going to try and post as often as I can so that I can keep track for myself, like a diary, and share with ya'll what I am doing and, perhaps, this is the route you want to take too.

Remember ladies, lifting weights does NOT equal  a "bulky, manly figure"... I can't wait to show everyone how amazing lifting can be, and.. honestly, a strong girl is super awesome!

Below are some of my "before" pics. I started at 125/126 and I was very weak! I could barely lift the bar. Now, I can bench 70, deadlift 110, squat 105 (can't wait to up these numbers!).

I'll post my gym routine in a later post, along with my food from MyFitnessPal :)
